Espionage Twist: Former Police Officer Claims Possession of Epstein Sex Tapes, Sending Shockwaves from Florida to Moscow

 A police officer friend, Joe Racery, is said to have given him the videos.

The next media revelation: A former police officer from Florida who moved to Russia in 2016 reported in the British “The Sun”: John Mark Dougan (47). He claims to be in possession of some Epstein sex videos.

He claims that he copied them onto USB sticks and sent the data carriers to Moscow - before the US federal police FBI raided his house in 2016 and confiscated PC hard drives. The FBI really “freaked out”.

Is the former “Marine” and police officer now making Putin an active player in the Epstein scandal saga? In 2019, The Sunday Times reported on MI6's "concerns" that Dougan may have handed over the USB sticks to the Russian government.

If you want to read, the whole report is in this private channel.


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